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We have recently started a GoFundMe campaign
to help with much-needed repairs.

Please visit the GoFundMe page for more details and to contribute.



There are many ways to Give at our little church:

In person at the Church
Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated at our many events.
Join us for our Weekly Service,  Sundays at 10 am

Online Click Here
(You are Not Required to Sign in or Sign up to use this donation method.)

or by Mail

Christian Union Church
PO Box 187
North Truro, MA 02652

Thank you for your generous, ongoing support of our little church.

Your monetary donations can be to the General Fund or another category.

General Fund  funding for the general operation of the church and community events

Pastors Discretionary Fund funding for Community outreach, administered by the pastor(s)

Church Mission funding for Community outreach, administered by the Board of Deacons

Utilities funding to defer costs associated with events

Building Fund funding for ongoing building maintenance and repairs

Everything you contribute is greatly appreciated.


If you have any questions please reach out to us
Contact Us